

Rooted is a choice card Choice cards are special uncollectible cards which appear when choosing between possible effects. Choice cards only exist during the selection process and cannot be collected or placed in the hand or deck. Choice cards were hearthstone produced by Ancient of War Ancient of War Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Druid Rarity: Epic Cost: 7 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Choose One, Taunt Choose One - +5 Attack; or +5 Health and Taunt.Young Night Elves love to hearthstone `s Choose One The Choose One interface from Power of the Wild Choose One is an ability which allows a player to choose one of multiple possible effects when the card is played from the hand. Cards with hearthstone effect.

For more information, see Ancient of War Ancient of War Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Druid Rarity: Epic Cost: 7 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Choose One, Taunt Choose One - +5 Attack; or +5 Health and Taunt.Young Night Elves love to hearthstone .


This battlecry option is the more common choice for the Ancient of War, because it makes the minion harder to remove via direct damage while also establishing a taunt defense for your own hero.


Name Rarity Class Type Subtype Cost Atk HP Effect

Chosen from

Ancient of War(242).png



Rooted, full art